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20525 Center Ridge Rd. #401
Rocky River, OH 44116
United States

(440) 941-4850

A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.


A Pan-Orthodox ministry that displays Christian love, mercy and compassion to the individuals, families and facilities it serves.

The First Paschal Sermon of St. Gregory the Theologian

Gerald Largent

Yesterday the Lamb was slain And the door-posts were anointed,

And Egypt bewailed her Firstborn,

And the Destroyer passed over us,

And the Seal was dreadful and reverend,

And we were walled in with the Precious Blood.

Today, we have escaped from Egypt and from Pharoah; And there is none to hinder us

From keeping a Feast to the Lord our God —

The Feast of our Departure;

Or from celebrating that Feast,

Not in the old leaven of malice and wickedness,

But in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, Carrying with us nothing of ungodly and Egyptian leaven.

Yesterday, I was crucified with Him;

Today, I am glorified with Him;

Yesterday, I died with Him;

Today I am quickened with Him;

Yesterday, I was buried with Him;

Today, I rise with Him.

But let us offer to Him Who suffered and rose again for us — you will think perhaps that I am going to say gold, or silver, or woven work, or transparent and costly stones, the mere passing material things of earth, that remains here below, and is for the most part always possessed by bad men, slaves of the world, and of the Prince of the World.

Let us offer ourselves,

The possession most precious to God, and most fitting; Let us give back the image that is made after the Image, Let us recognize our Dignity; let us honour our Archetype;

Let us know the power of the Mystery,

And for what Christ died.

Let us become like Christ,

Since Christ has become like us.

Let us become God's for His sake,

Since He for ours became Man.

He assumed the worse

So that He might give us the better;

He became poor,

So that we through his poverty

Might become rich;

He took upon Him the form of a servant

That we might receive back our liberty;

He came down,

That we might be exalted;

He was tempted,

That we might conquer;

He was dishonoured,

That He might glorify us;

He died,

That He might save us;

He ascended,

That He might draw Himself to us,

Who were lying low in the Fall of sin.

Let us give all, offer all,

To Him who gave Himself

As Ransom and a Reconciliation for us.

But one can given nothing like oneself,

Understanding the Mystery,

And becoming for His sake,

All that He became for ours.